"So we´ve been teaching this lady who use to be a nun for almost 40 years. . . We had taught her everything, and shes been to church quite a few times. We worked with her for a long time and she just wasn´t progressing. She hadn´t recieved a response about our church yet, and she wasn´t wanting to move religion. She lives super far from our house and doesn´t have a telefone. We havn´t taught her for about two weeks and we were planning on cutting her from our teaching group. Well every week we have a planning session anda t the beginning we always say a prayer and pray for all o four investigators by name. Well these prayers are epoc, they seriously last for at least 15 mins. I was having a hard time concentrating and zoned out a little we were almost at the end of the prayer when my comp prayed for this woman, Marly. When he said her name it was like someong grabbed me and shook me say pay attention, this is important!!!!!!!!!!!111 It was really weird, I just knew that she was going to get baptized this week. It was crazy!!!!!!!!!!! After the prayer I told my comp and he said he felt the same thing. It was so random. We passed by her house that night (Friday) but she wasn´t there. Later that night the zone leaders called us and said that pres. had called them and said that there is someone in our zone that needs to be baptized this week. Someone that is ready, that the missionaries aren´t working with or expexting. The next day we went to teach her and she wasn´t there. We prayed for her a lot but things weren´t working out we couldn´t find her!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was Saturday afternoon and we kinda gave up hope. Our lunch fell through which is super rare and we decided to call our zone leaders and ask if we could eat with them in their área. They told us to come on over and eat with the members there. By time we got there their lunch had fallen though as well, so we just made spaghetti. The situation was really really weird, its never happened to me. Well it took a lit longer to eat because we had to make the food and such. After we went to the bus stop to catch our bus. Litterally 2 mins after we got to the bus stop who shows up!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 MARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 oh my gosh i couldn´t believe it. We were in a whole different city, at a time and day that we are never there. She ran up to us and said she needed to talk to us!!!!!!!!!!!!! We found a few chairs and sat down. She started talking right of the bat she said `` I recieved a response that i cannot deny, I know that this is the church of Jesus Christ, and that it is the only true church on the face of the earth``` oh my gosh, i´ve never seen anything like it. It was such a miracle. She said she wanted to be baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still can´t believe it. I definitly don´t believe in coincidences. She was interviewd for baptism, passed and was baptized Sunday night!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that this is the work of god, that he loves all his children and will do what ever it takes to help them grow unto him!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this work, it truly is a work of miracles."
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
"Elder Quentin L. Cook came to Brasília to have a conference with our mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so amazing. He truly is an apostle of the Lord. He talked a lot about faith, how our faith can really help people gain a testimony, how our faith can help people overcome their addictions and difficulties. It was really neat and got me pumped up. He talked about love, about how it is the base of everything in our lives in this gospel. Needles to say I loved it. We all got to shake his hand. It was really a special experience to be in that intimate of a setting with an apostle of the Lord. I’ll never forget it."
"We are working with 5 brothers that are living together. They work with rocks, (I don’t remember how to say that in English maybe masons but with rocks, I don’t know) they live on the second floor of the rock shop. They are incredible. I’ve never meet people so humble. I love reading the scriptures with them, and listening to them pray. They are not super educated, but the spirit is so strong there. They are all super prepared. Every time we end a lesson we can never choose who gets to pray so we decided that we all say a little prayer. They don’t use fancy language, but when they pray you can feel that they are really praying to our Father in Heaven. It really is a beautiful thing. They are all such an inspiration to me, so sincere and loving. I am truly blessed to bring the light of the gospel into their lives. I love this work. The older brother was baptized this week, and the others will follow his example in the weeks to come. They are some great people!!!!!!!!!!!"
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